Happy 4th Of July (2019) & Back When I Became A Christian

Happy 4 th Of July 2019 & Back When I Became A Christian By Joseph Ross Happy July 4 th ! Today, America celebrates its birth and it will be 243 years old according to CNN. Today is a national holiday and celebrates America and our independence. Today is going to be a fun day filled with joy, The American Spirit, and fireworks. Have fun, celebrate, enjoy today, please don’t do anything stupid, and Happy 4 th Of July. Back in 1999, on Sunday, July 4 th , 1999, I got saved and became a Christian by accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior and coming before my Church at the time, Covenant Baptist Church, and acknowledging that. Today marks 20 years since I became a Christian and I’m joyful about that. I’m joyed to be a Christian and I love God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit. I’ve had a wonderful, loved filled life as a Christian and I’m very happy about it and to tell people about God. I’m Joseph Ross, thank you for r...