All About Joseph Ross

All About Joseph Ross
By Himself
From 1990 - 1999

I was born on January 18th, 1990 at 4:01 PM to my Mother and Father at Washington, DC. Two months after I was born, I was dedicated to God on March 1990 and my Godparents became my Godparents during the dedication ceremony. Years later in The 1990s my brother and sister would be born. In July 4, 1999, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord & Savior at Covenant Baptist Church and thanks to my parents and the great Pastor Charlie Waller. After I accepted Jesus for the first time, I remember I immediately ran up the stairs, yelling so my parents could hear me saying: "I'm Saved! I'm Saved!" That took place a week or two after the Vacation Bible School program at Covenant that year. A week or two after I was saved for the first time, I went up front to the alter with my brother, and announced or confessed with my pastor that Jesus was my Lord and Savior. Two months later in October, me and my brother would be baptized together. When I was baptized, I felt a switch in me, that seemed to signal the ending of my "BC" life (1990-1999) and the beginning of "AD" life (1999- Present). That switch was powerful and it signaled the beginning of my Christian faith. After The Great Year of 1999, I began my life as a Christian with my family and friends, and plus something else was starting to begin.

From 1999 To 2008

What was beginning was my new life as a Christian and for a wonderful while, The Liberty Business Days. Ever since those great days of joining God in 1999, I've been getting closer and closer with Him, and others. After those days is when my days as story writer, song writer, idealist, and club owner, and etc, began. In 2000, I thought up of my dream company, Color Star, Inc., and in 2001, I received my first own computer, Computria I, and created my ultrastructure: Folder Important on it. Important is where everything including my stories, songs, ideas, and home recordings are in. In 2004, at my 14th birthday party, I changed the name of my kids club to The Christian Island Club. I hope to turn my club into a popular group and corporation someday. In short, The Liberty Business Days were a group of fun times I had with my family and friends at my dad's business, Liberty Business Furniture, Inc. and while going out with my family. The great time lasted from 1999 - 2002. Liberty Business closed its office in 2002, and the next year in 2003, Liberty Business closed and that was extremely hard for me. Four years later in March 2007, my Father gave me Liberty Business Furniture, Inc. and its been my business ever since. For part of my childhood I was allergic to wheat and milk but I was temporarily healed at the Benny Hinn Miracle Crusade in Washington DC in 2002 from my wheat and milk allergies for two wonderful years, in which I had good times and made new friends, and went to Awana's, Camp Orchard Hill, and etc. In Mid 2004, my allergies came back and my parents had to put me back on my diet. In August 2006, Me, my dad, my brother, and my sister went to Denver, Colorado to see my Grandpa. We all had fun in the vacation with my Grandpa, Uncle, and Aunt over there. About half-a-year later, in 2007, I thought up of my future show, The Joseph Ross Show and a little bit later, I came up with the idea to link it up with my long-time club, The Christian Island Club. The club will serve as the fan club of my upcoming show when the show is launched. During 2007, I thought up and wrote down my only completed in the same year song of 2007, Around The Circle. The song is about a seventeen year-old guy and girl that run around the circle of love and fall in love. Unfortunately the manuscript to Around The Circle was stolen from me by a former friend of the family in 2009-10. I would have to rewrite it to make it a song again. When I was 17 in 2007, I had my first job as an assistant to my friends and neighbors next door, and from 2007-11 I also worked as an assistant to their business, Bersee Services. In 2008 and on January 18th, 2008 4:01 PM , my original childhood ended and I became an adult by turning 18 years-old. I had a great party with my family, god-family, and friends. The party was a great time! The next day, Me and my best friends: David Hall and Jacob Boston. went to Wal-Mart with my mom and I got my first MP3 Player, my Zune 30GB Mp3 Player. Later on in 2008, I got my second job at the restaurant, Country Cooking at Warrenton, VA. Later in 2008 before I started my Senior year of High School at Liberty High School in Bealeton, Virginia, my family and I went on vacation to see The Grand Canyon in Arizona. We all had a great vacation together and went through the states of Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. We stayed at Flagstaff, AZ for a couple of days and saw Sedona, AZ and the Grand Canyon. We all had fun at Arizona and I also enjoyed going through Texas. After we all left Flagstaff, AZ, we went to Denver, Colorado to see my Grandpa. We all stayed at Grandpa’s for a couple of days and had fun being with Grandpa and my Aunt & Uncle. After two days, we said good-bye to Grandpa and my Aunt and Uncle and we left for Virginia, our home. While we were still in Colorado, Dad let me drive for 15 – 30 minutes in the van and I enjoyed it. My family said I was a good driver. After two or three days, we got home and one week later, for the first time since 1999, I went back to Public School. On Labor Day Weekend 2008, we had another short vacation at Baltimore, MD and Ocean City, MD.

From 2008 - The Present

In 2007-8 I became permanently healed by God from my wheat and milk allergies and have been eating and drinking whatever I want and celebrating my freedom ever since and I'm very thankful to God & The God Trinity for healing me. After my return to Public School as a Senior in The 12th Grade since I was pulled out in 1999 before I became a Christian, my Grandpa came to visit us and we had a wonderful visit. About Liberty High School, I had a great school year, made some friends, got to hang out with the popular kids, I went to prom with a best friend, and I graduated from High School on June 12, 2009 with a Standard Diploma, and on August 23, 2010, I started college at the same time my brother did. High School was a great time. It was some of the best days of my life. In 2010, my best friend Matt Patti and I became best friends and hung out and had a lot of fun and we grew close. In 2013, I made Matt the Vice President of Color Star. Through out 2007 to present I had been working on my own website, which started out as a project that began in 2002 with HTML 4 files that I learned to make. The first version of my first website wouldn't be released until 2007 and re-released in different versions until 2013. In 2013, I brought my first and main website, and it was coded by me using HTML 4 from my 2002-13 website project, and cut and paste JavaScript and some cut and paste HTML. In 2014, the best friend I went to prom with got married and I had a wonderful time at his wedding, and my brother graduated College and got married and I was a groomsman at his wedding and I had a wonderful time at the wedding. In 2015, my sister graduated High School. In 2016, Matt got married and I was a groomsman at the wedding and I had a wonderful time. In 2017, I got a Macbook Pro for my birthday but it was a pain in the butt at first but later on it became one of the best computers I've ever had and the best laptop I've ever had. In August 30, 2018, I became a YouTuber and started my YouTube channel, The Joseph Ross YouTube Channel. Color Star Productions, which also makes my stories and songs other than me, Joseph Ross Productions, which will produce The Joseph Ross Show, and Liberty Business Entertainment, the active division of Liberty Business Furniture, Inc., and I produce my YouTube channel. Later in 2018, my sister got married and I had a wonderful time at the wedding. In January 2019, I celebrated my 29th birthday and in February 2019, after it was shutdown for eight and a half years, I relaunched this blog. Thank You for reading all about me. You can also read about me from one of my website's about me pages. To reach me for business purposes or for questions about The Christian Island Club, Color Star, Liberty Business Furniture, my websites or this blog, you may email me at: God Bless You and have a nice day.

© 2008 & 2019 Joseph Christopher Ross. All Rights Reserved. Thank You.


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